
The Angry Rash

Thursday, February 16, 2006

VP Sets Record! 4 Days - No Lies!

The VP remained silent four days setting a new record among administration personnel for no lies to the country. However, when Dick Cheney heard about his streak he immediately set up an interview with Brit Hume to “...nip that in the bud.” The “honor” is not one Cheney is pleased to have on his record.

The previous record for no lies to the country was held by W when he stopped lying the entire time a pretzel was stuck in his throat. W also had a brief stint in speaking truthfully in June 2002, when he made some candid remarks during a colonoscopy. However, that occasion doesn’t count for the record, because at the time Bush had invoked Section 3 of the 25th Amendment and temporarily transferred presidential powers to VP Cheney.


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